Thursday, March 19, 2009

I May Stop Reading Your Crappy Blog. Knitting Suggestion.

I will get right to the point. I was talking to my blogger friend Falwless the other day and we were talking about how many crappy blogs there are. Honestly, there are some real boring blogs clogging up the world wide world of the internets. And one might be yours.

Now I'm not saying that all blogs have to be as great as mine. Or like mine. That would be impossible. You also need to find your own style. But take a look and ask yourself, "Should I end my blog and maybe find another hobby? Like knitting?" Be honest with yourselves. Step back and really take a look. And don't ask friends for help. They'll lie to you.

(Take 5 minutes for honest reflection then continue reading).

I'm just saying that personally, I'm reading way too many blogs and some of them are just terrible. Terrible boring waste of my time. And I feel guilty by not reading your blog so it might be easier for me if you just end it now. But please continue to read my blog. Which is one of the really good ones - as you know.

Also, if you have some great blogs that you can tell me about please - leave the name in the comments section. It might mean I'll stop reading your blog but thems the breaks.

On a related subject, don't think that just because I don't comment on your blog doesn't mean I'm not reading it. I've really cut back on commenting over the last few weeks. And there are some blogs that you would never guess I'm reading. Some of you have even said that you think your own blog is crappy but I still like it. But if you look within your heart and think it's really crappy, please stop. Just to be safe.

And to finalize my rambling about this, does anyone else go through their Google reader and sometimes just click through some of the unimportant blogs without reading them and you wonder why you don't just delete them once and for all? God I wish my heart wasn't so big!

And on the subject of blog, a really good one that I found recently is called Retro Space. To read it, click here.


The Imaginary Reviewer said...

I used to do that Google Reader thing until a few weeks ago when I asked myself what the point was and deleted them. I won't mention any names, though.

Oh, and I don't know if you read it or not but the best blog on the interwebs for me is Excellent blog.

I Am Who I Am said...

You must have been reading my mind last night because I was seriously just thinking the same thing. I follow like 147 blogs but half of them are totally uninteresting to me. So why in the hell do I follow. It takes to much time to weed through them to find the ones I do like. So my project today is deletions. Some people just gots to go.

Of course, you won't be one. You are the king of blogs. ;-)

Verdant Earl said...

As soon as I find myself skipping blog posts from a certain blog, I give it about a week then I delete it. Off like a bandage!

And it is only inevitable that we start to comment less as we read more blogs. Not enough time in the day and all.

Sornie said...

I skip quite a few blogs in my reader. No substance is worse than bad content to me. Bloggers could at least try to pull me in.

Anonymous said...

I don't have this problem. I check out all of the blogs that my followers write, but if they aren't good I don't add them.

Also my blog may be one of those really bad blogs but I won't give up! It makes good bloggers look better I am pretty sure.

Try to enjoy this fun blog instead of mine.

Tenakim said...

SHIT- there goes my knitting post- thanks for the spoiler!

Shawn said...

Let's see, I just had a post wondering what boobs would be like if they were balls? Does that fall into interesting or terrible?

My husband refuses to check out my blog, he's afraid of what he'll read.

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

Well this makes me feel a little better because I do have those that I seem to skip on past every day and then I think Id feel guilty if I deleted them so I just leave them on my list. Then I think why do I feel guilty its not like I know these people or anything....but its good to know others are thinking the same thing. SO now I can started deleting and Ill blame it on made me do it!!! Yeah thats it!!! *smile*

The Jules said...

I'm thinking of starting a blog charting the history of grid line thickness on Orndance Survey maps, starting with the rationale behind the hefty 0.25 mm originals (known then as 1.1000 inch format) and going on to contemporary fine lines, with an amusing 8,000 word treatise on the 1978 0.33 mm line thickness debacle, which you'll probably already be aware of.

Is this the sort of blog you'd follow more diligently?

Blonde Goddess said...

I know my blog sucks but what other outlet do I have?
Am I supposed to bitch about the useless vibrator I spent 70 bucks on when I'm in church?

Post more pictures of yourself, will ya?

FunnyGal KAT said...

My blog is awesome... or, wait, maybe it really is crappy. *thinks* No, I'm pretty sure it's awesome, but maybe I should take a poll or something.

I am terrible about deleting the blogs that never update or are kind of boring... and now I guess I know why my dating life was so bad.

I was going to recommend the same blog The Imaginary Reviewer did... it's an awesome one.

Soda and Candy said...

No, my blog rules. It's pink.

Kim said...

If they've bored me more than two days in a row, I delete them. I only have so much time and there are too many funny ones out there. And mine's one of them, I crack myself up.

Dr Zibbs said...

I've seen the Typing Makes Me Sound busy - I'll have to check it out more closely.

As for the other one mentioened above - will check that out too.

Dr Zibbs said...

I've seen the Typing Makes Me Sound busy - I'll have to check it out more closely.

As for the other one mentioened above - will check that out too.

rachel... said...

Well, I'm pretty sure you're talking about my blog, but I can't stop blogging. My mom would be sad.

I'm also pretty sure you have to consider your audience when blogging. Obviously, a blog about KNITTING might not appeal to you (or me, either) but that doesn't mean it's crappy necessarily.

I'm lucky in that my blogging tastes are eclectic. I can enjoy the Yak as much as I do a blog about breastfeeding and natural childbirth. Of course, my eclectic taste leaves me with way too many blogs in my reader, too. I kind of skim titles and read what sounds interesting, and only comment if I have something especially relevant to say. And also to those who comment frequently on my posts. I can't delete any of the blogs I follow. I would feel way too guilty.

God, this comment was long and rambling. No wonder you hate my blog.

Sass said...

I know what you're saying...

That being said...I know you're not talking about me. ;)

I'm too arrogant to believe you would be.

Wings1295 said...

I check out plenty of blogs. If I find they either don't hold my interest or just don't post, I remove them.

I don't read every newspaper or every magazine, I don't watch every news show. So, why would I read EVERY blog? Some I like and I keep reading. Your's IS one, btw.

When I started blogging (last year), I had angst first. WHAT will I blog about??? Then I just decided to blog whatever, make it interesting TO ME.

If anyone cares to read it, great. If not, no worries. All for fun, for catharsis, too maybe.

Like what you like.

diane said...

I started my page as a creative outlet, and it makes me happy. My followers, and the ones I follow, we're sort of the same on some level. I don't worry about who's reading me, and I really don't care how many followers I have. I found your blog by accident, it was the "reunion video" blog, and felt some kind of connection. And sometimes, you make me laugh the hardest I've laughed all day. That's it.

BeckEye said...

Thanks, you've made this easier on me. I'm retiring immediately.

Prunella Jones said...

My blogging pet peeves are:

1. People who post endless stories and pictures of their kids.

2. Endlessly whining about how depressed they are and how everything sucks.

3. Giving minute details about their day, and their day is super boring!

4. Talking about the people in their life with initials (ex: I saw T today who told me about his fight with R last night and how R told B and S not to talk to him now yadda yadda.) Jesus, just give them a fake name or something! I can't keep those initials straight!

5. Long unbroken up paragraphs. Some of us have ADD you know.

6. No pictures.

7. Being needy. (ex: What do you guys want me to write about? Am I cute? Am I interesting? Do you guys love me? etc..) Please just get a therapist.

Peggy said...

Well, Black Hockey Jesus is starting a cult...and I'm joining! So I won't be around much longer can go ahead and delete me now...oh wait...I have to ask Black Hockey Jesus if that's okay first...

Whiskeymarie said...

I feel so guilty about deleting people that I usually wait, and if they haven't posted in 3+ months, they're moved to my bookmarks where thy sit just in case they resurface again.
But a few I deleted just because I knew they didn't read me anymore and I definitely didn't read them.

I'm way nicer on my blog than I am in real life.

Cora said...

I can't stand diary and to-do list blogs. You know: today I did laundry, then I made a grilled cheese sandwich, then I ate it, then I called my mother, then I... blah, blah, blah. Who the hell cares?!

As for me, my blog rocks. Two weeks ago I gave you a lava lamp with an erection. Today I gave you the world's BEST porn name. (C'mon, admit it, you know it's true.) Tomorrow I'm giving you a real live man doll. Blog World would sooo not be the same without me. You're welcome.


a striver for sanity said...

Numberonesistah wondered what if boobs would look like as balls? I think I found the answer for her:
My blog may be as boring as hell but I write it for myself so don't care if you read it or not. So there!

Anonymous said...

I skip around in Google Reader...also I do read all your posts and have done for a few months but sometimes, the sheer number of people commenting puts me off!

I don't think you'd read my blog if I didn't VBlog though ;) but hey if that's what I have to do for readership!

Coolred38 said...

Im ordinary with moments of have to stick around and read or else you will miss those great moments...believe me...they are worth every moment spent reading the boring bits in between.

That about sums up my life...boring with moments of greatness....

Alpha Stone said...

Appreciate the mention - I'll add an "endorsed by Zibbs" to my blog header immediately.

Knitting bloggers should be arrested and sent to Siberian gulags. There they can make tote bags out of yarn to their hearts content.

Dr Zibbs said...

Pink Jelly Baby - I do read your blog but it was the video that did get me hooked. On you.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Life's too short to read blogs you don't like. If someone gets too political on me (one way or the other) or just generally has nothing good to say...I'll delete 'em. If they get good again I'm sure I'll hear about them from someone else.

Mandy_Fish said...

I really only like my own blog and about three others. I need to clean house. But now I'm intrigued by your blog, so I may subscribe unless you bore me.

No pressure.

Dr Zibbs said...

Mandy - "unless you bore me" - oh that is rich.

Dr Zibbs said...

Oh yeah - Colleen and Mandy - welcome to my kick ass blog.

Gwen said...

Wow. You're really being an asshole today. You best not be talking about my blog, bitch.

Also, I recently found this blog that I think you will enjoy. It's right up your "odd/funny" alley.

Phat Mama said...

Your blog does rule. It's one of the few on my 'must read' list.

That said, of course my blog is fantastic too. Not every chick has the balls to talk about their fat ass, chin hairs while also making fun of the south they currently live in!

Peggy said...

Black Hockey Jesus said you have to keep reading my blog until my suicide day, but I think he meant to say "our" suicide day (ya know, his and the cult's) so bad news for you!

Mandy_Fish said...

Hey, do I detect a note of narcissism in that comment?

I think I like it here.

For now.

. said...

..and just to be completely cruel why don't you write a list of the "Do yourself a favour: kill your blog"?
They may get a wake up reaction and star to change the writing line..

Anonymous said...

The sista's arent in the blogging business for the notoriety. We live our lives and we blog. I know #1 tries to keep up on all but if you are only posting once a month, then I'm outta there.
Zibbs, you blog ain't that great. I'm only sticking around because one day I will meet you half way up 95. I will be the one who finally sells the one and only photo of the infamous Zibbs.


Vic said...

What about if I talk about macrame?

Or....sandwiches? :)

J.J. in L.A. said...

There's one blog I read because it's like a bad car can't help but look. It's a woman writing about how bad her life is with her husband. I can't help but sympathize with the guy because she sounds like a witch. Wait! She claims to BE a witch! I read it anonymously, of course. I want to see how it ends.

Anonymous said...

I slack alot on the blogging which is why #1 calls and yells at me. Hey, I have Algebra blows.

Anyhoodle, Zibbs is in my top reader blog list, not because he is funny, I hear he is smoking hot with a nice ass.

He falls behind the other Doc

Zymurgy hands out beer and the sista's are all about beer. Plus, he is very interesting. Not that you, Zibbzee are not interesting, its just that DOC, is.

That being said, I understand the canning of the blogs, it has to be done. Just don't delete ours or the phone calls will stop.

peace, love & Bobby Sherman
Sista #2

Jeannie said...

I follow a lot but skip reading a number of them unless the intro looks good. I'll also read them if there are no new posts in the blogs I look forward too. I delete people who stop following me. Yes, I'm spiteful in blogland.

I know my blog sucks esp lately. I'm working on less suckage but I'm not too clever.

Anonymous said...

Um... Not my blog. Right? Right? RIGHT!?!?!?!

words...words...words... said...

My blog is stupendous, so I know you're not dropping it. But what you're going through is why I use Google Reader instead of being a "follower". I get hot and cold on various blogs and I like the anonymity of Google Reader. That said, I have 19 followers and don't follow anyone. I think that's pretty good!

Mrs. Hall said...

I must say my blog is quite good, better than most of it's ilk.

a bit densly packed but, um, most people enjoy a woman with a little meat on her bones no?

and it is worth it I believe.

and I enjoy your blog though, it is very streamlined :)

Tom said...

Zibbs, that was a great post for a delicate subject. Thanks for being blunt about it. Now we are all paranoid.

Girl Interrupted said...

My lip actually wobbled a lil' bit as I read that ...

Bea said...

i follow heaps of blogs, but i can only bring my self to delete if they have over 60 followers. otherwise it is just cruel. and the curse of the Gnu will get me back by taking my followers. and (not intentionally of course) i have read about 20 blogs about knitting. mabe at their bloggy knitting meeting they all sit around wishing that YOU would delete YOUR blog or write about something more interesting. huh HUH. lol.
from the gnu

Megan said...

I don't get it. I only follow good blogs.

Zibbs you probably already know all the ones I would suggest...

Dr Zibbs said...

Gilr Interupted - Good one.

Taren said...

hmm... you've inspired me to do some real soul searching.

I'm not sure what I think about you yet, but I like this post... I'm going to keep reading.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I was really tempted to let my snarky side loose on your butt about the blog thing...then I see a comment on mine!

Shwew! And thanks!

Vodka Mom said...

okay, I'll admit it. I like you Even if you ARE a cold hearted fucking bastard.

Caffeine Court said...

Okay dude. Point taken.

So do you want a hat or a scarf?

sj said...

dude. whatevs. i know the only reason you read our blog is because you think i'm cute and we sometimes blog about how we woke up in bed together with no pants on.

the fact that kat and i rock is just icing.

but in truth, i do read your blog often. i like to lurk. in fact, i'm outside your window right now. freaking creepy, right?

Son of a Thomas said...

I love that you call me one of your favorite blogs but in the title you reference chesco whores. Cheese Steaks from Benny's on the courthouse wall. I'll buy.

Crys said...

it's like you reached into my heart, found rad words to describe what you found there, and then posted them on the internet. but seriously, comment on my blog or else i'm gonna get set off

Anonymous said...

You recently commented on my blog. I am hoping it wasn't crap to read! Thanks for stopping by. By the way you wanted me to make you a sandwich but I don't have the stuff. How about Mac N Cheese instead?

Swistle said...

AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! You = cute. And I'm not just kissing up so that you'll go look at my blog and evaluate its crappiness.

Dr Zibbs said...

Son of T - I'll take you up on that offer!

Switle - I'm not to good at math but are you saying that I'm cute?

Jeannie said...

Thought I'd mention - your picture is of crocheting, not knitting. Just so you know. Not that I'm into correcting people all the time or anything. Ok - I probably do but I don't do spelling or grammar although I'd like to.

jadedj said...

You know the ones I really hate, REALLY hate, are the blogs that talk about blogging, and how boring other blogs are, and then go on to talk about the comments on their blog, and then get thousands of comments about the blog and the comments, and just go on and nauseam. You know which ones I mean. Obliteration...and possibly duct tape, is the only answer.

Greta said...

People with dull blogs need someone to love them too.

Fancy Schmancy said...

I knew it was only a matter of time.

Adriana said...

I agree that Rome wasn't built over night and neither is a good blog (usually). It takes time and practice to get the hang of it. IF you stopped reading the blogs everytime they went threw a slump you might miss something great and then you wouldn't be able to say "I followed them when". My blog is only really good every once in a while like today when I posted pictures about the HUGE snake found in my old college roommate's toilet.

Jill said...

I don't expect many men to love my blog. It's primarily design related(as I am a designer) and fashion related (as I am a chick)...although I have several male followers. I think it's because I talk about sex so much and I have a great rack.

Moderator said...

This isn't a problem for me as I'm the only blogger that exists in my blogosphere. Granted, it's imaginary, but it solves this dilemma quite easily.

Dr Zibbs said...

Miller - that makes sense.

Michelle said...

I know you read my blog because you love me right??

Some Guy said...

This is why I keep the bulk of my posts short. That way if they suck (as they normally do) you didn't waste too much of your time. Unless of course I post a video. Those are all a waste of your time. I guarantee it.

Mr London Street said...

I like the tough love - nobody thinks their baby is ugly after all.

I like my blog, anyway, but then I would say that. And I'd be shit at knitting.

LiteralDan said...

Wow, I could have written this post myself, in a manner of speaking. I could also have just as well been the target of it, for all I know. Who knows? And who cares about opinions besides mine? Not me, that's for sure!

That's one of the benefits of being so incredibly awesome in my own mind.

gina clover said...

i think i'm gonna create a label called "sucking", too.

i know it's cribbing yer move, but that doesn't make my blog crappy.


blog networking is a disease. just say no. if people don't wanna read my blog because i'm not reading theirs, they can suck it.

Dr Zibbs said...

74 comments! Holy crap.

Autumn said...

Please tell me if my blog sucks. Or if you know of a way to post to two ( separate) blogs with one post.