Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some People Like To Savor My Blog. How Do YOU Read It?

A curious thing has been happening by my blog reader and blog friend Fancy Schmancy*. For the last several weeks, she's been commenting on That Blue Yak blogs posts that are over a week old. She's slowly catching up to the current posts.

My guess is that she's trying to savor all of the bloggy goodness. Like if you were deserted on an island and some Hershey Kisses or a case of Hop Devil washed up. You wouldn't consume everything all at once would you? Of course not.

What are your reading habits of my blog? Do you cry when you're done? - Wishing that there were more? And everyone stays out of your way because then you go into a rage? Do you read a bit and come back later for the rest? Or perhaps you read it then have someone read it back to you so you can really get your mind around the posts.

Given my huge readership, the odds are also very high that some families read it aloud as part of their routine. And perform scene studies if you will. Oh and I will. Dinner then Jeopardy then TBY reading. I'm glad to be such an important part of your family memories. I really am.

So please share with others some of your TBY reading rituals.

*Some of you may know her as Farty Four Eyes. And also, she's thinking about ending her blog. I hope she doesn't because I really like it. She had the courage to reach out to me via email months ago despite how intimidating it must have been given that I'm so famous and all. I mean...seriously, it's probably scary for anyone. Kind of like when the OZ gang had to walk up and see the Wizard. But she realized that I'm just like everyone else. Except much, much cooler.


mo.stoneskin said...

I don't even read this blog, this isn't even me, this is my blog-list-bot, a nifty little script I wrote which iterates down the blog list and auto-comments.

Even though I am a bot, I do savour the posts, even if you spell it the wrong way without a 'u'.

Peggy said...

Well, Fancy Schmancy is probably just saving the blog reading for holidays and such as it is such a blessing.

Our family usually waits until Christmas, we get a fire roaring in the fireplace, mix up a batch of eggnog, bake TBY shaped cookies and sit indian style while our pastor reads each post aloud. Then we have thoughtful, pensive conversations about the true meaning of Christmas.

DawgDyke said...

As a new reader I may comment on something from last year ...
My readers do the same; I get comments on posts from months previous.

Jeannie said...

I get a lovely glass of tequila, and then another and then one more then settle in and read what I can before things go blurry.

Verdant Earl said...

I like to read your blog with one hand on the keyboard, if you catch my drift.

Oh, and if I'm on a deserted island and a case of anything from Victory washes up I'm getting drunk as a mother-fucker that night!

Sass said...


Sipping black coffee, and periodically writhing in whipped topping.

Sass said...

And when a post ends...

I start all over again.

I'm just sayin'.

Blonde Goddess said...

I read it when I'm intoxicated.'s 9am...what of it?

Samsmama said...

I read a bit then go drink some wine. Read a bit more, a bit more wine. Then I generally get too drunk to comment, as my typing skills go way down.

On Friday's I put the titles of the last weeks post and put them in a hat. My son picks one and the winner is his bedtime story.

Also, when constipated, I find this blog extremely helpful.

M@ said...

I was going to say that I read it in the nude but... I got here too late!

Moooooog35 said...

Absolutely. Five of them.


What was the question?

Soda and Candy said...

Your vanity inspires me to increase my own.

Alpha Stone said...

If you must know: I commit each post to memory and act them out like a play (sometimes in a British accent)

... you asked.

diane said...

I like to start my day with your blog as an inspirational reading. Then I check back frequently throughout the day to read the testimonials.

Susan said...

I love your blog because it has lots of pictures. That's how I got through school all those years. Whew.

SkylersDad said...

I read you in between yanking it to porn. I try and catch up with your posts while I "reboot".

Anonymous said...

I read it on tuesdays and thursdays. Monday . wed and friday are my bingo nights.

How are ya dr?


Dr Zibbs said...

SkylersDad -Reboot. I'm stealing that phrase.

Anonymous said...

I read it sans pants. The way life was meant to be.

Shawn said...

I down large quantities of Pepto Bismol, Valium and Prozac first.

Dr Zibbs said...

Anita - where have you been? And why did you lie to me and tell me you had a blog?

Anonymous said...

I hardly ever read you because your semantics boggle my mind so. I bow to your superior genius, but really secretly giggle cuz I tell my inner not so genius that it's smarter.

BeckEye said...

I just read it to keep up with all the latest, hot West Chester action.

diane said...

On a side note, I heard from Skywind on my blog. So, nothing to worry about there.

Fancy Schmancy said...

I almost got busted at work for laughing so loud. God, your modesty knows no bounds! Love it, and thanks. Especially for the farty four eyes part. You're making me tear up, again...

The Jules said...

You have a blog?


Tuesday Taylor said...

This is my 1st time. I'm kinda scared. I'm a Blue Yak virgin.

Wings1295 said...

I read it with my eyes.

Prunella Jones said...

I find your blog goes best with one of General Foods International flavored coffees. Combining the two brings back memories of senior trip, Paris, and that hot, sexy waiter...Jean-Luc!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

well I of course read it and then take "nude" pics of myself to send to you to get you to notice me and come read my blog...hehe
honestly though your modesty is out of this world!!!

Girl Interrupted said...

I like to don a blue goat costume (all the yak costumes were already out on hire) and read it while eating peaches, listening to Bad Co. and making copious notes ... I feel so close to you right now

Anonymous said...

Big F and I read it while naked, smoking from our new Colored Bubbler Bong.

You rock when we are stoned.


Anonymous said...

Skylar's Dad....I peed a little after reading your comment!!


Vic said...

I translate your posts into German so that I'm forced to appreciate the nuances of Blue Yak language.

Then I read them aloud in an impeccable accent, record them, and send them to blind Germans. I'm a giver.

rachaelgking said...

If someone with the nickname "Farty Four Eyes" gives up blogging... there's no hope for the rest of us.

MJenks said...

I usually read your blog naked. And rubbing my nipples. And when I'm done, I have at it with the vibrating melon.

Cora said...

I just skim every third line for the keywords, Zibbs. Don't mock, it gets the job done.

This was a superb post about fancy Hershey Kisses, Hop Devil and farts. Good job!

Phat Mama said...

I prop the laptop on my husbands belly so he can read your posts to me while I orally communicate with his love pickle.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I have it translated into Braille so I can read it in bed before I go to keeps the nightmares away.

FunnyGal KAT said...

I like to roll it around in my mouth and really savor the flavor before swallowing. Then I sit and dream about how good it was until I burp and get to experience it all over again (That Blue Yak: just as good coming up as it is going down!)

Rikki said...

I sneak reads in between classes - it's the ONLY thing that keeps me from going postal on my students.

Dr Zibbs said...

Vic and JJ - when I read your comments on my Blackberry in the car this afternoon I burst out laughing!

Dr Zibbs said...

And Scandalous Housewife - welcome to my blog.

Greta said...

I read you while napping, Zibbs.

Debbie said...

We all read it independently but then I quiz the kids on it before they are allowed dessert.

Dr Zibbs said...

Debbie - All I ask is that you get some of the other families in your school district to do the same.


Rita Loca said...

well, this is my first visit.So..we will have to wait and see.

Dr Zibbs said...

Jungle Mom - Oh you'll see. You'll see.

skywind said...

Of course, through the computer.
Health information
Humor & Fun World

diane said...

Yea! Skywind is back, now I feel complete. :)

Dr Zibbs said...

Diane - if you write a Skywind tribute post with comment examples before me I'll write a post linking to you.

Cameron said...

Here's what I do....

I wait for the wife to go to bed, then I quietly sneak away and slowly, carefully read That Blue Yak. I then unzip my pants, and slide my hand.....oops, gotta go.

diane said...

I'm right on top of it, I'm doing it now.

Gwen said...

Sitting in a tub of macaroni and cheese. I used to make a new on every day but that got expensive.

Michelle said...

I change into my sushi pajamas, scratch my ass a few times and get down to business!!!

It's the only way!!!

Michelle said...

Also I forgot, i read it with my eyes closed!!!

Kez said...

I read your blog in my googlereader.
I tend to read posts up until they are a week old. Then the rest get marked as read and cleared.
I can just never catch up.