Friday, March 27, 2009

Tom Hanks and His Acting. Thoughts From Dr Zibbs.

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Tom Hanks can't act?

Well, not that he can't act but whenever I see him acting, like in the commercial for Angels and Demons, all I think is, "Hey, there's actor Tom Hanks trying to act serious."

And I thought the same thing in that movie where he was in love with the volleyball but everyone thought it was a great performance. He's likable and all but serious acting? No thanks.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Nope, you're not alone, I don't htink he can act either. He can do a weird smirk though, like a smile that only creases up one side of his face. Creepy!

I am having a pawty over at my blog right now- come on over! I've got a great special guest you HAVE to see!!!


Kate said...

Agreed. Exception: Forrest Gump. IMHO.
I feel that way about Jack Nicholson, too.

Cora said...

He can act, but he's overrated. He's not thaaaat fantastic, people!

dguzman said...

I think there are a lot of actors (mostly men) who are like him--they just read their lines in a semi-animated way and because they call themselves actors, we call it acting. He's not a bad guy, I'm sure. Just not anything special.

Samsmama said...

He was great in "Big". And "Forrest Gump". Not sure what that says about his range.

The only thing worse than his volleyball porn was "Terminal". Which was basically "Castaway" in an airport.

Peggy said...

He's absolutely has charisma but I agree...acting, not the greatest. He was downright HORRIBLE in the DaVinci Code.

Incidentally, my brother has worked with him (he's a film editor) and he said he is the nicest celebrity he's ever met...really really down to earth. I heart Tom!

Mrs. Hall said...

I disagree, I think. I mean, it's the roles really.

he was absolutely heartbreaking in Philadelphia. Man, just thinking about that film just makes me sigh all heavy like.

Keanue Reeves on the other hand. THAT IS A HORRIBLE ACTOR! His band sucks too.

rachel... said...

Yeah, he's not the greatest. There are far worse, though, like my arch-enemy of actors: Keanu Reeves. I'd take Tom Hanks over him any day of the week.

Alpha Stone said...

Loved Hanks in Bosom Buddies and as the drunken Uncle Ned on Family Ties.

Verdant Earl said...

He was the best as the crazy D&D kid in "Mazes and Monsters".

Jeannie said...

Hello? We are talking about grownups playing pretend here - is there anything "serious" about it? Frankly, very few actors have much range. Most of them play themselves stuck in various circumstances. A lot of their "good" acting hinges on whether or not they are wooden or have any range of emotion ie: Keanu Reeves or IMHO Tom Cruise. Wooden can work too, obviously. Few are really capable of amazing. Ben Kingsley is one - and shock of shocks - Charlize Theron when she played that Monster or whatever it was. How many others have you really had to wonder who the actor was?

J. Hi said...

I don't think it's his acting ability so much as how his head has become so square, or maybe rectanularish. It's weird. And that is why he should not be in movies anymore.

Now you want drama? Check out my latest blog post. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think once you dress up in drag, it's pretty much downhill from there.

Gwen said...

I think John Malkovich is entirely overrated. Isn't he supposed to be a character actor? Then why do I only see his weird self in every character he plays? Gah! Can't stand it.

diane said...

"Road to Perdition", nuff said.

O.k., maybe not enough said: Jeannie, Tom Cruise - wooden? He's the most unglued guy out there. Scares me more than carnies.

Anonymous said...

When I worked in the prison, we had Forrest Gump hour. Call any random employee in your department, recite a line from Forrest Gump, in Forrest's voice and then hang up.

Good times.


buffalodick said...

When successful comedians stop being funny, they try to do serious roles(Bill Cosby,Robin Williams, Tom Hanks,etc.)and fail...

shrink on the couch said...

Just a few days ago I was sitting amongst a group and someone said what a GREAT actor Tom Hanks was. My first thought was, "um, now what do I say?" Cuz he isn't my favorite actor. I do think he acted his ass off in Philadelphia. I really like him in more comedic roles. Straight movies, not so much.

Dr Zibbs said...

STOP THE PRESSES! Sista #2 you worked in a prison? And why have you never written about this?

And Buffallo D - I like Robin Williams acting but hate his comedy.

Coolred38 said...

I prefer Hanks in comedy...when he does serious stuff Im just sitting waiting for the prat fall or funny bit...and it never happens...then Im sad.

He sucked big time in the Divinci Code...even his hair sucked.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed Zibbs I did. Oh the fun I had there. Laughed from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. everyday.

Worked there for nearly 2 years, stopped last May to return to school.


diane said...

Robin Williams - One Hour Photo. Great, and a little sad.

Kelly said...

He was killer good in Bosom Buddies. I wonder if he ever hangs out with Peter Scolari?

Mrs. Hall said...

Hey sista #2-I worked (as a nurse) at a county jail (like prison-light).

good times, good times indeed.


mo.stoneskin said...

I don't even believe Tom Hanks exists. I just see Forrest Gump.

That confuses things. I get the Gump plot all tangled up in whatever film I'm watching.

Where's Jenny? I ask myself. And what has happened to Lieutenant Dan?

a striver for sanity said...

He can act as well as John Wayne. Both have a kind of blank persona.

Vic said...

He has his weak moments, like everyone else, but far fewer of them than many actors.

I like him. I still love him in "Big" the best.

Miss Alex said...

BAHAHAH... I like him but i HATE HATE HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE THAT RUSSIAN ACCENT...GRRR it makes me want to punch a baby

Gwen said...

Dude! I just noticed you hit 200 followers. Congrats! You really are something else.

Girl Interrupted said...

I fancy the pants off Tom Hanks. He's definitely in my top 3 of "Older Guys I'd Engage In Boudoir Gymnastics With" list

Castaway was totally embarrassing ... but I mostly blame Ron Howard for that ... he has to be the biggest cheese-merchant in the business.


Phat Mama said...

I like Tom Hanks but I don't dash out and spend my dollas to see his films. There are far better actors.

Viggo Mortenson. In G.I. Jane. He plays a mean bastard & that kinda gets me. Great acting/great frig material.

That said, I really think it's the roles in each movie. Because as much as I lurve Viggo, even he couldn't get me to watch that LoTR mess of hobbit.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I liked him best in Big and Splash. The actors that I think are talentless are Tom Cruise (a short man with a BIG nose, imo) and Ashton Kutcher (am I the only one who thinks he's ugly?). Then again, Tom Hanks ain't no hunk...

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I love Tom Hanks. He's the epitome of an "every man's actor". He's the voice of WOODY for God's sake!

I'm surprised you don't like him Zibbs. I would think he was real enough to suit your needs.

Shawn said...

I'm sad. Your pedestal has clay feet. I thought you were the end-all, above-all, know-it-all. Tom (yes, I call him by his first name) is the man.

Debbie said...

There are a lot of actors I don't like, but I do like Tom. You just have to get past the Bosom Buddies picture in your head:)

Kez said...


Philly said...

I think it's you Zibbs, cuz I love me some Tom Hanks.


Dr Zibbs said...

OK. Let me clarify. He seems like a really nice guy. I loved Bosum Buddies, Big and Splash. But when it comes to serious roles? No thanks.

Vodka Mom said...

I am here to kick your ass. I love Tom.

you bastard.


Vodka Mom said...

He;s got talent. TALENT. jesus- i need to hold your hand, I think.....

words...words...words... said...

I like him a lot.

Dale said...

Tom 'everyman' Hanks seems likable enough but I always have the same reaction 'there's Tom Hanks'. I can never forget it's him. He's an adequate actor.

Jo Nicholson said...

Tom Hanks bought a house in Brookings, Oregon (where I live) and now everyone freaks out when he goes to the supermarket. I hear he does a great Hamlet in the produce aisle. And he talks to the melons...

Anonymous said...

Idiots, Tom Hanks is one of the greatest actors of all time. The people saying he can't act well they could never do better. All his movies are great and very intersting, I love them all but Forest Gump is my favorite and second the Da Vincie Code. He is also a very good person. So get a grip and be real he is a great actor why hollwood always wants him but most of all now God wants his work.