Monday, March 9, 2009

Wine Making Turns Into Hysterical Fall. Breath Knocked Out.

Are all you other gay blades watching Dancing with the Stars like me right now? Well here's a short clip to watch at the commercial break. It's a news anchor smashing grapes then something goes horribly wrong. She falls off the platform and gets the air knocked out of her.

Her groans are hilaaaaaaarious.


Dr Zibbs said...

And why is she saying, "stop stop"?

Is she telling the pain to stop?

If anyone can find her phone number let me know what it is so I can call her and get to the bottom of this.

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

How in the heck are the two people at the end keeping straight faces? That is HILAROUS!

Anonymous said...


Yeah, call and check on her ROFLMAO.
You my dear, are sooo going to hell in the same handbasket as the sista's.


Anonymous said...

The best part is SOOO the anchors' wincing reaction back in the studio. "Ooohhhh!"

Debbie said...

I just so love things like this. That isn't bad of me, is it?

Alpha Stone said...

It wasn't that far of a drop to warrant such gurgling moans. Did she fall on broken glass?

Always a Bridesmaid said...

I have probably seen this 20 times before, and it still cracks me up.
P.S. I always thought she was saying "stop" to get them to stop taping.

I Am Who I Am said...

Ahahahahahahahaha! Now that there was funny. I'm gonna watch it again!

skywind said...

Oh, very scary groan. They step out together to drink grape juice has no smell. Bear's taste! LOL
Health is the Greatest Happiness
The World at The Present

rachel... said...


I am laughing hysterically. At the groans and at your comment, Zibbs.

diane said...

Great example of how something so wrong can be so right! That was some nosedive.

rachel... said...

Okay, I must say that I went to bed last night still thinking of this video and still laughing. It was all I could do to NOT laugh out loud and wake up my husband.

words...words...words... said...

Every time I see this I laugh. And then I feel bad about it. And then I get over it.

Cora said...

HA HA HA! I feel so mean, but that's just cracking me up!

Michelle said...

Thats how i sound when i run!!

I do!!!


Sorry i've been MIA!!! I am back now, not to worry!!

WendyB said...

Family Guy did a hilarious reenactment of this. (Stewie was the grape-stomping groaner.)

Cameron said...

That looked painful.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty old, old enough to be parodied. Still funny/disturbing/awkward to watch though.