Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Willie Wonka, Smoking Weed, Gene Wilder And Film.

How many people in their younger days watched a movie or TV show while stoned and said, "Oh they had to be stoned while making this. Holy Shit! They HAD to be stoned."

Then, when you're not high, you realize, nobody was high during the filming. It was you that was high you lightweight. Keep it up and I'm gonna put the "magic box" on your stoned ass and you're gonna freak.

But then you watch Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and you really question what I just said above. Someone at least was smoking some weed - possibly tripping during the writing or directing of this scene where Gene Wilder goes through the tunnel*. Here it is:

*I know that they were smoking weed during Easy Rider and Caddyshack had tons of coke on set. Maybe some of my movie buff readers like Earl or Words, Words, Words can let us know what other movies were heavily drug influenced during filming.


Bizarro said...

It's a well known Hollywood fact that "they" were hopped up on the goof balls when they cast "Saved By the Bell" (I believe ether was present the day Dustin "Screech" Diamond walked in).

No wait, I got that wrong. It's a well known Hollywood factOID.

Dr Zibbs said...

Bizarro - do you think it induced Stew Faucet?

Wings1295 said...

How about during the entire writing, filming and production of "Sonny Boy" from 1989, with David Carradine playing either a man in drag or playing a woman... still unsure which - and that isn't even the only disturbing 'what-the-fuck?' moment in the film!

skywind said...

Oh, God. They are too shameless. :)
Health is the Greatest Happiness
The World at The Present

Tom said...

Willy Wonka scared me to death as a kid. I still get freaked out when I see it. There is something unsettling about the whole style behind it. The scariest part: When Gene Wilder takes off his hat in the final scene in his office and a section of his huge frizzy hair parts and falls over. I can't describe it but if you saw the scene it would give you shivers.

Gwen said...

Someone commented the other day and told me that Stevie Ray Vaughn was coked to the gills in the video I posted. Not quite the same, but it's what I've got for you.

diane said...

Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith movies, after all, they own that comic book store in New Jersey.

Life With Dogs said...

My entire state should be in the film business in that case. See "A Green Mountain State" for reference.

And someone had to be flying to put that scene together!

Alpha Stone said...

Watch old Gong Show episodes and you can actually see white powder around Chuck Barris' nose, and he's constantly wiping it. Remember Tony Montana at the end of Scarface? That's Chuck.

Stephen King has also said he was coked out of his mind while doing Maximum Overdrive. (flimsy excuse)

Anonymous said...

It was shrooms. I promise.

words...words...words... said...

This is one of those kids movies, like The Wizard of Oz and The Goonies, that everyone likes but me. I ain't buying it.

If you want to know a movie where everyone was tripping balls during filming, I give you "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". But if you've seen it, you didn't need me to tell you that.

Coolred38 said...

Stop dissin Wonka...he is the bomb!! He is the only adult in the world that makes candy seem evil and dangerous...and yet so sexy and addictive.

Anonymous said...

I would hazard a guess at saying Cheech and Chong never wrote or filmed one second of 'Up in Smoke' (or any of their other choice flicks) straight.

Moooooog35 said...

My penis is named Wiggly Wonka.

No reason...other than he really likes chocolate.

Andrew Rodriguez said...

I'm guessing the entire Sid and Marty Kroft Saturday Morning Lineup was...HR Puffinstuff?

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Oh yes Zibsy, that was a re-enactment of someone's "bad trip" for sure.
Willy Wonka was a fictional character, yes, but it seems to me he could have been a strung out, didling, candy-poppin pusher behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

I would venture to say that Cheech and Chong were pretty stoned during filming.


H said...

Ummm hello..knock, knock, knock...Pink Floyd's "The Wall".

Chele said...

I get that when I watch cartoons. Only a stoned man could come up with a sponge with squarepants as a great idea.

sas said...

When I first met Science Guy he raved about Momento. We rented it and I could not believe this was his favourite movie. I sat there questioning how had I got this so wrong! And then he admitted sheepinshly that he had watched it under the influence of mind altering substances.
Which explained everything and made it all ok.