Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blogger Makes History With Hall Of Fame Speech

Breaking News: I've won an award for my talent. Again. See my class act acceptance speech at the Hall of Fame Awards ceremony in the comments of this blog.


Anonymous said...


Jesus man, that was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Zibsy, I was wondering where you were hiding all day. Of course I should have known that you had something spectacular up your sleeve. Silence does not suit you. I'll see you upstairs in the penthouse. I'll be the one with the lampshade on my head. Whoo Hoo!

Falwless said...

You are precious. And humble as the day is long.

Jen said...

a MAJOR award?

or just an award?

Elizabeth said...

Zibbo, you're just EVERYONE's idea of a hero.

Gwen said...

Vuuury impressive entrance, Doc. You deserve the accolades.

SkylersDad said...

Bringing it with the cane no less? That is just tasty class right there, congrats!

McGone said...

Zibbs, I'm afraid you're mad at me because the link is titled "McGone You Be The Greatest," but I want you to know I got nothing but love. What say you and I go out and start a couple cars on fire in celebration. Maybe loot a few joints. You with me?

Anonymous said...

humble & incorrigible


slopmaster said...

You lost like China in the Olympics.

but it looks like to your fans you're still the best, like McCain


Dr Zibbs said...

Gwen - do you like how I pointed to you and Falw? I'm a class act.
McGone - No ill will. And yes. I will meet you at noon to begin the looting and smashing of property.