Hey! Look At The Adventures We Really Didn't Have!

Click here to see part one
Click here to see part two
Click here to see part three
I wonder who will be in the final two installments? Maybe it'll be you. Or you....Or even YOU!
I wonder who will be in the final two installments? Maybe it'll be you. Or you....Or even YOU!
Can you two just have sex already? Please? And videotape it? Please?
As Zibb's new BFF I can tell you, Becksteroni, that Zibbs doesn't have sex with just ANYONE.
Wait....is this a plan to get into my pants, Zibbs? Damnit, I can't trust anyone these days.
The sheer brilliance and comedy in this place is more awe inspiring than the Grand Canyon and Smoky Mountains combined. Then again, if you combined those two, you'd pretty much just have flat land, so it wouldn't be that awe inspiring anyway. But you get the point, right?
1. Beckeye is a depraved freak.
2. Nice empty planetarium reference.
Holy shit is this some funny shit!!!! Well done D...
and hats go off to Poo for the photoshop capabilities and awesome spell checking!!
- Jennifer
I cannot get to the page. Must be the million wanna be BFF's all trying to access it at once.
That or my laptop sucks the big one.
Dr. Z makes a few spelling mistakes in his emails, but when you're a BFF like me you don't get too ruffled about that kind of stuff. His sheer genius outweighs any minor errors.
I wish I had half the imagination and wit you guys do. Yowza, my belly hurts from laughing so hard!
I'm just pissed that you guys stopped in STL to watch Gwen poo in a sink and didn't bother to come by and say hello to me. Whatevehs.
I'm just pissed that they didn't invite us to watch Gwen poo in the sink!
My new buddy, Poo Bear, is pretty freaking funny. And he remembers the little people that aren't his BFF's. He probably would have remembered to send a shitty prize if he had a contest, also. I'm just sayin'. *wiping a tear from the corner of an eye that used to be exclusively loyal to Dr. Zibbs*
True story ..
I had a friend in the 80's who did the backwards crab thing on a beach and wrote his name in poo..
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