Blogger Proudly Announces Winners of Blog Contest
So originally I was going to have 1 winner for The That Blue Yak Google This Contest and 2nd and 3rd winners. Instead. Since the pictures I received were so great, I will be having 1 grand prize winner, which will be announced later today or tomorrow and 6 runner ups.
The contest rules were simple, to write "Google this: That Blue Yak" on something and send me the photo. I don't know about you guys, but when I tell people about my blog and I throw in the "", it just confuses people. So I just tell them to Google "that blue yak." It's much easier.
Enough of that. On to runner ups that will be receiving shitty prizes via mail. Please remember to email me your mailing address. Also, don't forget to click on each one to enlarge. And oh yeah. As I own the rights to these photos, I'm allowing all of my readers to do as they wish with them. I'm not kidding. If you want to print them out and tape them to your cars, safety pin them to your shirts, be my guest. It's my gift to you.
Here we go.Katrocket with "Filmore's Hotel". Even though she told me it was real, I wasn't sure. I still love it. And note that it's a gentleman's club. Mmm hmmm. (Seriously Katrocket, is this a photo shop job?)

Jennifer from Minnesota Vs Texas - a little number I like to call "Very Short Lady with a Tacky Hat Looking at Yak on Wall." Thanks Jennifer.
So there you go.
These are the runner up winners. As for the first place winner, I have to tell you that it is so great, so earth shattering and titillating that you will not believe it. I'm not making this up! I might as well make it my desk top picture because I've had to open the file and view it no less than 50 times.
Just wait. You'll see.
Clearly the mooning gnome was the best of the runner's up. Just Sayin'
I'm honored just to have my face on your blog. The shitty runner-up prize is just icing on the cake!
I did leave the writing on the beach. I figured you'd get huge blog traffic from all of the snowbirds that are just learning what "google" is.
I've always loved Nobody's Little Gnome
For the last time, it's real, and it's spectacular.
Thanks Dr. Zibbs!
Ms Florida and Katrocket - you are indeed welcome.
Thanks, buddy. How come when I clicky my candy picture, it goes to my blog instead of a bigger pic? Not that I mind, but the people should see the chocolate for all of it's goodness.
Fancy - I'm not sure why it does that. It happens with the gnome too. Maybe one my computer geek readers can tell me what happened. Falwless?
Wow... thanks!
Although as far as the Grand Prize winner - the phrase "titillating" makes me think someone used boobies... damn. I thought about boobies. Crap.
google this: "filmores hotel sign"
I'm thinking it was Gwen that won. Am I right? I'm just thinking she did something really retarded and funny. Or Fawless.
The excitement is killing me...
I know it wasn't me because I am a rotten person and forgot to do this. As my punishment, I will tattoo "that Blue Yak" on my butthole. I'll let you know when it's done.
I like Meadowlark's - the horns make the pic for me.
Ursogullible - thanks for the...Wait You. Are. So. Gullible? Oh Shit! I knew it was fake after examining the letters and wanted to see if Katrocket would come clean. I could tell by the O's and S's.
haha - it's so disappointing when people say they're "fun" and they clearly aren't the least bit interested in fun. I had such high hopes for you, Zibbs.
Katrocket - the only tricks I like are the one's that aren't played on me. I'm a baby like that. And what would have been fun? If I pretended to think it was real? OK. The only thing that's going to make this right is if you pay to really have the sign say That Blue Yak.
Asking me to pay for a marquee sign is even more ridiculous than believing I had already done that for you the first place.
Well, I apologize for any hurt feelings, my friend, but your rules did not state "no Photoshopping", so please adjust your expectations accordingly. The innerwebs are full of cheats and liars like me. Let this be a lesson to you... and by the way, I shall happily forfeit my "prize" to a valid entry. I was only in it for the glory, baby. :)
Dear Zibbs,
I have challenged you to a duel on my blog. Please see for details.
Best wishes,
I am trying to imagine what those poor little Chinese children must think as they are painting those little Kiss My Yak figurines.
Very creative entries!! I'm with Whiskey on this one... it's got to be Fal or Gwen... it's just got to be.
Great runner ups, though! I still think Katrocket takes the cake (so far?).
All of those are just SUPER photo's!!!
Happy Hump Day!!
- Jennifer
Thats exactly why i kept the name slydesblog when i went over to blogspot..
its just easier for everyone to remember..
funny pics, wish I sent in some of my own. I love shit prizes.
Katrocket - there are no sore feelings. And you still get your prize. In fact, I may make it a bit less shitty just because you showed so much creativity. Just don't tell any of the other losers. I mean runner uppers.
King of New York Hacks - Welcome to my amazing, award winning blog.
Loved the pics.
Damn. I shoulda had the creative juices flowing.
Next year. ;)
I love that someone thinks I entered this shitty contest. Whatever. I can barely be bothered to update my blog lately, let alone enter this sweepstakes or whatever the hell this scam is.
On the effing up Fancy's picture - go to edit this post, Zibbs. Take out her picture. Add it again. Re-publish. I know you're scared of editing posts after you have published them but I promise no harm will come to you. I could tell you how to muck with the HTML but that would literally blow your mind and you might start crying on me.
Falwless - I will not be attempting that advanced move. Everytime I add a picture it goes to the top of the post and I have to drag it down and everything gets screwed up.
LOL... Zibbs, you crack me up. And unfortunately, I know this pain you speak of ;)
Zibbs, that was awesome! I am anxiously awaiting the winner. I am definitely thinking it's Gwen. She of the #1 Badass blog, or maybe Poobomber?? They've both got to be up at the top.
Can you have another contest with shitty prizes for the one who guesses the genre of the winning photo?
Zibbs, I think Falw is on to something. You probably highlighted both the pic and name when you added the link, so they act as one. You can fix it, I believe in... wait a minute, did you just call me a loser?
I would like to know where I can get a gnomes ass for myself. And Zibbs, yes I do live in FABULOUS NASHVILLE TENNESSEE (I typed that in my Don LaFontaine font) Tootsie's is a great place but I don't get down there too much. Last time I went, I fell.
OMG, loved the "Kiss My Yak"....great!
can't we get the lawn ornament to Filmore's Hotel and crown the winner.
Wow-you've got some creative readers!!! I'm too busy cleaning out closets. Damn my life is exciting.
Congratulations to all those super-creative winners.
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