Monday, October 13, 2008

Canary In A Coal Mine Cage Spotted Near Lancaster

Everyone knows that miners would put a canary in a coal mine to make sure the mine was safe...well..some people don't but most do. I took this picture a while back at an antique store near Lancaster, PA. It's an actual jail cell that was used to hold the canary. It's hard to tell from the picture but there's a little seat in the cage as well as a water dish.

I was by myself when I saw this cage but if a friend* had been with me I would have asked the antique store person if the cage came with a miniature harmonica or a shiv. The antique store guy would have said, "Of course not." I would have then said, "Well do you know what buddy? You just lost yourself a God damned sale!" Then I would have stormed out like an antique store prima donna.

*The only reason I'd want a friend there is because if the situation got out of control and the fuzz came, I'd have the friend pretend he was a stranger and say that the antique store guy was at fault. I'd then say that I'd forget the whole situation if he gave me the canary jail.


SkylersDad said...

I love your plan.

McGone said...

I would like to be that friend just on the off chance that the store owner said "Why yes! I do in fact have a miniature shiv."

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! From now on, anywhere I go, I'm going to bring a friend who will pretend to be a stranger - just in case I start some trouble. Thanks for the tip!

Some Guy said...

The thing I like most about your plans is they are always very thorough. You always cover all your bases.

Dr Zibbs said...

Some Guy - you know me. I'm a planner. A wise man once probably said something about those that don't plan. There's probably a saying or something floating around about it.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I think this is very cruel to canaries!

Nearly as bad as the basket Mummy stuffs her cats into to get to the vet. Least the canary had mor room. Ha!

Hey come an see what I did last night! HEHEHE! CHeeky Bear! :@D

Leonesse said...

I know why the caged bird sings.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Please make sure your friend is also secretly video taping it so you can post it later for our enjoyment.

Falwless said...

I don't how many ways there are to express my love. Fuck you make me laugh. Always.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

HAHAHAHA The Fuzz...Your age is showing!!!


- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

I carry out the exact same types of scenarios in my mind all the time.

Dr Zibbs said...

Jennifer and Sandy (the Siamese twins) - I was gonna use Flatfoots instead of fuzz but I wanted to sound hep.

words...words...words... said...

Why do you need to bring someone? A stranger is just a friend you haven't met!

Anonymous said...

HA HA - will you go shopping with me?

Gwen said...

Seeing that the guy wanted $95 for that cage, I understand your need for a back-up acquisition plan.

La Pixie said...

um, why is there a lil seat?

Chris said...

You win my official grand prize for the peoples choice award for lifetime achievement of the BEST ASTERIK EVER

Unknown said...

I've been missing out! I'm glad you found me other wise I would have continued to miss out on your awesome blog! You make me want to move to West Chester and sit in Spence Cafe and wait for you!

katrocket said...

I cannot believe that antique store told you that's a canary cage when it's quite obviously a babyshaker.

Sher said...

Great blog. Some fascinating tidbits and lots of wonderful reading. I shall pop in often.!

Andrew Rodriguez said...

First to fall over when the atmosphere
is less than perfect
Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect
You live you life like a canary in a coalmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line

One of my favorite songs......

Dr Zibbs said...

Chris, I will accept that award. Especially because it doesn't require me to write a long post giving to 5 other bloggers.

Vodka Mom said...

you kick ass.

My grandfather was a coal miner. Died of black lung.