Phoenixville Theater - Great Old Time Fun

If you haven't been to the Colonial Theatre in Phoenixville, PA - you don't know what you're missing. A few week ago I went and talk about a treat. First of all, the theater is old. Really old. How old? Try 1913. It used to be an opera house. Don't believe me? Look at the crazy way they spell "theatre!"
Everyone know that this is the theater that the Blob was filmed at but it's also a great place to watch movies or see live acts. When I was there, they had a real organist playing the organ during an early Douglas Fairbanks silent film. That's right. Movies haven't always had sound.
Next up, the projectionist came out and talked a bit about the movie that was going to be seen and played a short number on the fiddle while the organist played as well. Excellent. You can see the projectionist/fiddle player in the picture above. And if you look closely, you can see the movie I was there to see. The Tod Browning movie Freaks! If you haven't seen it you should rent it. It's a 1932 film using real circus freaks. But get this - the "freaks" turn out to be the people that treat the real freaks like freaks. Then at the end (SPOILER ALERT) - the real freaks attack them. You just gotta see it.
FYI click here to read a post I wrote about Blobfest. And finally, check my favorite freak - Schlitzie from the movie..WHAT? That's what they're called! Freaks! ....Jesus! Don't kill the messenger!

Ooo I really wanna go here.
that just sounds too cool. I wish I had the damn time to DO THAT STUFF. I know, I know, don't wish your life away........
Woah, nice theatre!!!
I LOVE FREAKS!!! I think i may be a freak!!!
"One of us! One of us!". Often used in pop culture references (Simpsons , off the top of my head) but I'm willing to wager that most are unaware it comes from the movie Freaks
Gasgwar - you are correct sir.
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