Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random Blog Stuff From PA Blogger

Here's just some random blog stuff I'm changing my mind on:

- Garden of Hope - I mentioned at the beginning of the Summer that I would give a bum some vegetables from my Garden of Hope. They didn't earn it. Instead, I will give a local bum a photo of this pathetic tomato specimen (locally grown by an amateur gardener) and tell them that it represents him - the bum.

- Presidential Run - I told everyone that I'm running for President. I've changed my mind but if I ran, my VP would have been one of my most lovely and loyal readers - Gwen.

- The Old Human Towel Rack Trick - I said a while back I would show a drawing of me doing a thing called the old human towel rack trick. I'm too lazy to do it so please use your imagination.

Now a few words on reader comments -There's nothing better with my blog that I like than comments. It's like getting a Cracker Jack prize. "Hey look!..a tiny magnifying glass!" And a few of my new readers/commenters are now about to be rewarded. Here are a few bloggers that are new to the miracle that is TBY and are not free loaders. Do you know why they're not free loaders? Because they took the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it and my grandfather that was killed in WW2 appreciates it.

Down the Rabbit Hole -Lydia actually left a comment in Friday's post about Marvin Gaye saying that she was calling her husband to tell him he had to read my post. The phone, the telegraph, cupped hands...any means to promote my blog is encouraged.

I Need A Martini Mom -Vodka Mom has is a new reader as well. She's a teacher too. That means she's smart.

Bug Eyed Blog -New reader. Funny Blog. Chris Burke fan. Case closed.

Well, that's it for this morning. Now go out there and start taunting your friend that are Dodgers fans because the Phillies won.


Rider said...

What would a bum have to do to earn that tomato? Please be specific so they know what to do next year.

Dr Zibbs said...

Rider a simple dance on a wooden box would be fine. I like to leave it up to the local bums though as I like to be surprised.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

You're not running for president any more? Damn! I forged a voting slip and everything!

Verdant Earl said...

"You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?"

Anonymous said...

That is a fine looking tomato plant you've got there. Care to share your gardening tips?

Anonymous said...


Sornie said...

I don't know if even a bum would want that pathetic tomato. ANd as far as presidential runs, I'm still in the race.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Love Love Love the "Eco" friendly tomato container next to the Ritzy pool! It's a good look I tell ya!!

- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

weird, I just showed the wife the "human towel rack" trick the other day.

She loved it.

Gwen said...

I thought this day would never come, and now that it has I'm speechless. Thank you, Doc. Thanks for having enough faith in me to pick me as your running mate in a race you're no longer running. I won't let you down. You'll see.

SkylersDad said...

Were you watering the tomato plant with water from the pool? That might explain some things.

LYDIA said...

My grandfather that was killed in WW2 appreciates my reward. Actually both of my grandfathers served in the war - in the Airforce. They both made it out alive. But my pretend grandfather is really grateful for any recognition. And me.

BTW, my husband read your blog and enjoyed the Marvin Gaye post as well!

LYDIA said...

Are you a teacher?

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova Darling - that is not my tomato plant. It's the plant of a neighbor. My Garden of Hope produced a record number of healthy veggies this year.
Lydia - Am I a teacher? In a way - yes. Many have learned by my wise, sage like ways so I guess I am but I prefer, "Professor." They get more coeds.

Michelle said...

DrZibbs so do i warrant a shout out if i comment on each of your posts for like forever!!! I mean every single post i will be there. I may be a stalker of sorts on your blog of comments!! Is this cool?? I don't want to freak you out like the goat!!! :O)

Dr Zibbs said...

Michelle J - let the stalking begin. And comment away.

katrocket said...

Posts like this are exactly the reason I don't leave more comments on your blog.

Dr Zibbs said...

Katrocket - I don't understand. Can anyone explain to me what she means? I'm dumb like that.

katrocket said...

I guess I meant to say that commenting is not obligatory, my friend. I don't believe in full-throttle comment reciprocity. I leave a comment when I enjoy a post, have some extra time, or have a question. I won't leave comments just so you can feel okay about yourself.

I like you, and I like your blog. I read every single post. So it pisses me off that you think of loyal readers like me as "freeloaders". Sometimes I just can't think of anything to write. Why is that not good enough for you?

Anyways, the moral of this story is "go fuck yourself".

words...words...words... said...

Matt Stairs.

Dr Zibbs said...

Katrocket - I guess you're not understanding that I need to feel good about myself. Can we meet half way and have you send some good vibes my way via a bogus Rieki shaaman (I know it's spelled wrong I just refuse to learn the correct spelling.) If no, I think a feel-up is the least that's in order. Seriously

Dr Zibbs said...

Katrocket - P.S. I like you and your blog too.

katrocket said...

All right then, Doctor. I'll meet you half way.

*feel feel feel*

Vodka Mom said...

you crack me up. The photo of the tomato plant almost made me pee my pants. Which isn't saying much since I've had three kids, if you know what I mean. However, i love a good laugh. and yes, I do give a damn.

Micgar said...

Hey I'm new to TBY-well kinda...don I get something too?! Maybe a coed?

Leonesse said...

Ohhhh, I HAVE to comment? But sometimes I Haz No Funniez.