West Chester Chili Cook Off - Mission Accomplished
The West Chester Chili Cook Off today was a great success. The crowd was in a great mood too. I'm not sure if the excitement was because they were excited to eat chili or that the Phillies were about to beat the Brewers or because me, Dr Zibbs was in their midst. Those things are almost impossible to measure without expensive machinery. All I know is, I ate over 25 of these mini bowls of chili:
.... And now - my awards. The That Blue Yak Gold metal award for best chili goes to Collegium Charter School. Congratulations. You did it. Great flavor - perfect spice.
There was too much to eat to make extensive tasting notes at the cook-off but there was everything from traditional chili to chicken and andouille chili to people dumping tomato sauce, beans and meat into a pot and calling it chili. Here are the other awards I'm giving after an afternoon of tasting:
My silver metals go to: Iron Hill Brewery, 1st West Chester Fire Company, Century 21 Alliance, Victory Brewing Company, Good Will Fire Company.
My bronze metals go to: Blue Dog Printing and Design, Lenape Pizza
Well done people!

..and to top the day off, Kildare's Pub was giving out coupons for a free pint of Guinness. I selfishly took two and enjoyed a Guinness while checking the Phillies and Eagles scores. I'll save the second one for another day.
And on another note, stay tuned to hear the story of two local bloggers that were able to meet me AND shake my hand at the event.
looks like it was a perfect, perfect day! AND, you'll have PLENTY of gas for tomorrow.
I'm sad to say I wasn't one of the local bloggers to shake your hand, but I'm the new kid on the block, so I'm sure I'll have to wait my turn...
Andrew - being that I only have 2 hands and there were 2 bloggers hands to shake..I'm sure you can understand.
Hmmmm, good point...oh and by the way any similarity between my blog review of the cook off and yours is totally coincidental.
Sounds like you had a great day! So glad you didn't have the dismal gray weather that was plaguing New England most of the day. How bad does your house smell tonight?
Good Lord! Free Guinness and shake your hand!?!
It's all too much to take in right now...
So do you openly charge for these "meet and greats" or is it all a cash under the table deal?
Chris - I usually don't charge for hardcore fans
Sounds like the perfect way to spend a day. But I'm glad that we don't share a living space...all of those beans! WOW
Only in Philadelphia could a gluttonfest of chili and a Phillies' series win necessarily, inevitably be tainted by an unexpected gut punch of an Eagles loss.
Cubs fans ain't got nothing on us.
Weird... that's exactly how I was going to vote.
Free beer, chili and a chance to meet you?
Why...Why..WHY did I miss this?!
Nothing says fun like a good old fashioned Pennsylvania fart-fest!
Some guy.....boy can we fart !!
Lucky bloggers.
Did you find a chili hot enough to send you on a desert visionquest for your soulmate?
I'm bloated and gassy just reading this.
Excuse me while I back up into this closet...
ahhh, that's much better.
Damn delicious, beany chili.
You mean Victory was there and you didn't get a Storm King? C'mon, Zibbs. I always assumed the Good Doctor knew taste and quality.
Also, did Victory's chili involve Hop Devil in the recipe? Just curious.
MJenks - I'm not sure which Victory beer was used for the chili. I do however live about 10 minutes away from the Victory Brew Pub. My top 3 favs in order are Prima Pils, Hop Devil, Storm King.
Move that to Hop Devil, Storm King and Prima Pils, and your list would exactly match mine.
As it is, this is an eerie coincidence.
Awwwww Maaaaaan! but I didn't get to try your chili...
Darn it, I was hoping for a photo of you in your long pants.
There's beans IN the chile? Down here in NM the chile is by itself, (of course you can have beans on the side) maybe with some meat, chicken in it, hence we don't fart, if we just eat chile.
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