Various Things That You Shall Now Read
I'm special - Candy at the blog Candy's Daily Dandy just gave me A BFF Card. It's stands for Blogging Friends Forever. If I ever meet her in person I'm going to pull it from my wallet and ask her if I can redeem it for one slow dance. The song? Dream Weaver.

Choices - If I ever met anyone at a dinner party and they told me that they were a ventriloquist, I wouldn't be able to control myself from laughing in their face. After of course I say, "No I'M a ventriloquist" - and I pick up a sponge, fold it in half and perform a few bits.
Girlie Side - I like to sit in the bath and read. I never light candles but I do bring a stack of books and mags to read. I also have a scotch, wine or beer to sip on. One time my manly next door neighbor called me right before I got in the tub. We talked briefly and then the phone went dead. I thought the conversation was over so I just got in the tub without calling him back. Next thing, I hear him at the window yelling,
"Zibbs! Zibbs!...Zibbs?" (he thought something was wrong with me, like I fell, and came over to see if I was OK). I peak my head toward the window and say,
"Sorry Greg, I couldn't hear you. I was in just taking a bath." As the word were coming out of my mouth I felt very gay.
Contest - Don't forget it's not too late to enter the That Blue Yak Google This Contest. I've already received a few pictures. Camera phone pictures will be accepted so there are no excuses. You will regret it because there are prizes. And unfortunately, there will also be some tears.
Freaks and Geeks - It's now on DVD and it's not only hysterical but the closest thing to what the early 80's were really like.
Phillies - The Phillies parade is Friday at noon. Can't decide whether to go or not.
"Freaks and Geeks" is painfully awesome, if that is a phrase that makes sense. I mean it in a good way. And the talent assembled on that show is pretty incredible.
The complete Freaks and Geeks on DVD is one of my treasured posessions; If I was an English teacher I'd show the whole series to my class and then make them write a "what do you think happens next" story.
As for the'd better get on the R5 and may not get another chance in your youthful and ambulatory lifetime.
You HAVE to go to the parade! You just have to!
Ok Zibbs, I see how this works now. You only show love to the bloggers who give you presents. If that's the way you roll, then go to my blog for my Halloween gift to you. ;)Kisses!
Oh Zibsy, I'm blushing, you are super sweet:) Our slow dance is a definate go but I was thinking it should be more of a "Rainbow Room in New York at midnight. I'll be the one in the dangerously low cut black dress sipping champagne by the piano" type thing. Or as you say, Dream Weaver, whatever.
And the parade? You got to go!! It may be your last chance. You must drink from the cup of victory with your fellow man and breathe in the sweet smell of success! Watch out for pick pockets though.
hee hee. Baths.
What McGone said.
If I was at a party and someone said they were a ventriloquist, I would become their best friend. Until the party was over. Then I would tell all my real friends about this nerd I met at a party.
There is nothing better than reading in the bath - it's a nightly ritual for me. I hate when you start to get pruney though, it's just uncomfortable. Or when there is no more hot water to add to the bath because you have been in the bath for two hours? No? Just me?
I tried watching Freaks and Geeks, but it was like reliving my high school days. I couldn't take it. Painfully awesome is a great description.
If someone at a party told me they were a ventriloquist I'd look behind them and say "Oh my God, who is saying that?"
You do have to admit, it sounded very gay.
So, when reading about you taking a bath, i read that you had beer on tap in your bathtub!!! First, that makes me equally as weird as you and second, i kinda like that idea!! Make it happen Dr Z!!
Lydia - I've solved the problem with running out of hot water. I first fill the tub with 2 huge pots of water from the stove. Then, when it cools down, I still have hot water I can use my turning tub faucet on. Seriously, I do this.
I'm a huge fan of "Freaks And Geeks". It's a shame it didn't have a longer run.
I am totally downloading "Freaks and Geeks!" I loved that show as well as "My So-Called Life." It sucks that they both got yanked off the air so quickly.
It worries me that you have a plan in place to prolong your soaking pleasure. I think you're lying about that whole being married and having kids thing, seeing as how gay marriage isn't legal in PA, yet.
Also, do we have until midnight tomorrow for the homework assignment?
I KNEW it! I KNEW you were a closet bath-taker!
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