Blogger Answers Important Question At Press Conference
OK people, keep it down, keep it down....Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you....Dr Zibbs:
(audience screams that make a Beatles concert look like a Tuesday night poetry meeting at a Borders Bookstore)
Dr Zibbs: Hello everyone. I'm....(screaming continues)..I'm Dr......(bras and underwear are thrown on stage)....My name is Dr Zibbs (sexily raises one eyebrow).....
(crowd is is having a tough time holding back the crowd)...(Zibbs, like the pro he is, nonchalantly applies chap stick).
Head of Security: (into bullhorn) People! Please people. Please stop and calm down! And anyone caught throwing items to the stage will be removed, beaten on the way out and prosecuted!
Big Fat Lady at Front of Stage: F that noise, I'm going in!
Random Crowd member #1: Ahhhhhhhh! Oh My GOD!!!
Random Crowd Member #2: NOOOOOOOO! Oh the humanity!!!
Random Crowd Member #3: Does anyone know if they're still selling commemorative gifts in the lobby? I have my heart set on a That Blue Yak hand fan.

Please stand by....... We're experiencing technical difficulties.
If there's going to be no speech then I want my bra and undies back, dammit.
What? You didn't have a test run of this production yesterday? I swear!!!! I'd fire all of your people.
- Jennifer
You're such a tease. A sexy, chapstick-wearing tease. Makes me want to ask more personal questions like, do you really put your pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us peons?
lol...Love it! What kind of chapstick?
I'm just shaking my head right now...Yeah. I'M the kookoo one. You meant ku ku kachu, right?
And I did your meme. Man, that sounds hot. ;)
So I flashed you for nothing, then?
Am I late? Did I miss anything? Oh no just a bunch of granny panties laying around.
sometimes dr.zibbs I just stare at screen with the most confused look, when I feel like I a missed something.
Right now I have the same expression Jessica Simpson had when she found out out chicken of the sea was really tuna. I mean what the hell is going on here?
I always want to comment something witty but I can't stop laughing enough to do so... my mind is a blank
Zibbs has been really quiet the last 18 hours or so - you ok Zibbs?
i too would like my underwear back.
He's probably in one of those fancy "client meetings" he's always talking about.
Dammit....the video isn't working. ;)
Ladies and gentlemen, Buckwheat has been shot!
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