So I was in church last night in Chester County for my daughter's confirmation here in Chester County. I was a bit late and it was so packed that I had to stand at the back of the church. Note that I never go to church anymore but went every week of my life when I was forced to.
- When I arrived the video guy turned the camera toward me. It could have been my natural charisma and the light that was beaming on me as I stood framed in the doorway or that he thought Jesus finally returned. Or maybe he was focused on the holy water that was boiling next to me.
- I forgot how many MILFs go to church. And many straight from work and in their business suits. One of my favorite looks.
- Some lady was standing right behind me and singing way, way too loud. Totally trying to get attention. So to get back at her, I kept shifting my body so she couldn't see.
- The composer that turns prayers into songs should be fired. After a good old fashioned stoning.
- I was in a punch drunk mood and was trying not to laugh at several things including a 12 year old kid that walked down the aisle wearing his Dad's over sized shirt that was untucked and down to his knees. And at a little kid that was brought outside and he was making farting noises.
- One of the kids, as a confirmation sponsor had a nun. Show off.
- After the ceremony people flocked around the bishop. One lady went up and kissed him on the cheek. Are you kidding me?
- I pondered for at least 20 minutes how easily America let the Catholic Church off the hook for child abuse and pedophilia. Shouldn't more people have gone to jail?
What are your random thoughts about the Catholic Church?