So here are some random food and bar notes about downtown West Chester, PA. This is the first of a multi part series. If you're not from West Chester, click on the links to view the images and see what you're missing.
Doc MaGrogans Oyster House - On Monday's they have $1 oysters and $1 Pabst Blue Ribbon Pounders. Awwww yeah!
Sprazzo Cafe -Great big comfy chairs on the second floor and free wireless. And this loft is perfect for spying down on the locals. I like to tap on the window when I see someone I know or would like to know then duck. (See the picture above). Next time I'm there I'd like to also look out the window creepily at someone and then when they tap their friends to look, I duck. Then of course take another peek once their friends stop looking but they take one more peak back. Oh yeah. And I might do that thing where you run your index finger across your neck like you're going to kill them. It depends on the person and what my lawyer advises.
West Chester Scoop - The new donut machine is visible from the big window out front. I like to put my nose against the window and stare at it, mouthing, "I'm hunnnnnnngry". I've been hoping to be shooed away with a broom but they don't seem to mind. Probably because it's me.
Starbucks - The one on Gay and High has these great comfortable mini chair couch things. The perfect seat for the midgets or people over 6'8".
New Haven Style Pizza - This Church Street Pizza place has great personal pan pizzas.
Barnaby's - The second floor bar is one of the coolest bars - for mood - in West Chester. I like their outside bar too.
The Square Bar - Best bar in West Chester for no frills relaxed fun. Even royalty like me feels at home. And best place to play American darts. You never know
who you'll find there.
Burger King - Longest, most ridiculous wait for drive through ever. Bring a razor because by the time you get to the window you'll have grown a full beard.
The Rat - The Rat, across from WCU , has been closed for years now but at least 75 local people still have major bowel issues from their Thursday night 25 cents
Genesee Cream ale special.
High Street Cafe - I had one of my best meals ever here. Blackened Tuna smothered with Crawfish Au gratin.
Iron Hill Brewery - Get a mug club card. The cost is $40. You get a point for every dollar spent. They start you with 200 points. Everytime you get 300 points you get a $25 gift card. You get to drink out of a special mug that's larger than the average pint but you only pay for a pint.
That's it for now.