Do you know what Friends IRL means? It means friends in real life. Don't feel stupid. I just found out myself a few weeks ago. Anyway, my friend Calhoun who is my friend IRL has the hots for
Gwen the blogger. He left a message on his dart board while we were watching the Phillies last week - see picture above.
And on the subject of Gwen the blogger, she just announced she's taking a vacation from blogging for a while because of lack of enthusiasm and some other stuff. I wish she weren't but everyone needs a break now and again. Hopefully I'll keep up my pace of blogging at least once a day. My IRL friends always ask where I find the time to blog. What those dummies don't know is that it doesn't take that long. Here are some of the things I do so blogging doesn't take up tons of time:
1) I keep a few small notebooks around so I can jot down ideas when I think of them.
2) When I see an article in the paper I tear it out and put it on my desk.
3) I keep pictures that are post worthy in a file on my computer called Pics to Blog.
4) I have various videos to blog on my playlist in YouTube.
6) I look at blogs you guys don't read and copy and paste the posts word for word. Then, I cleverly change one word with another. Like if the blogger was writing a post about Ted, my post is about Charlie.
7) I start several posts so I have a few that are ready to go.
So there are a few tips. What do you guys do?
Now I will throw out a few writing assignments. Anyone who wants to write a post on any of the following topics, let me know in the comments section of this post by midnight Thursday and I'll add a link to your post.
Here are some topics:
- A time you saw an old or fat person fall down the steps or break a chair.
- A time you saw someone faint.
- A time where someone put their foot in their mouth.
- Worst throw up story.
- Funny story of someone quitting their job.
- Craziest concert story.
There you go.